Category: Hanga | Create

my story week 7

I awoke gasping for air “was it all a dream?” I think to myself. “Ow” can’t have been since I woke 

up on a hardwood floor. “Where am I?” All of a sudden I smell the stench of rotting corpses. I 

neely vomit from the smell alone. I hesitated to open the door because that’s where the smell 

was coming from. After I had opened the door the smell got a lot worse but that wasn’t all 

BODYS COVING THE FLOOR AND WALLS!! I slammed the door close from uter terror and 

descust. I couldn’t hold it in any more”vomiting sound”. Still not fully understanding 

what I just sore, I began thinking of another way but there was none. I had two options: stay in 

 here until help comes if it does come or I make my way through the other room. I tear a sleeve 

                   of my shirt and wrap it around my face making this type of face mask. I open the door, pinching my nose and bolt it towards the door. I slam my body against the door, bashing it open and finally seeing sunlight.

                     “Holy wow a living pers ….”BANG! A bullet goes flying through the stranger’s head. I immediately began to run for cover in a car. Luckily it was unlocked after a while I got out and began walking through the streets. “What the?” one of the houses was coverdning writing if you could call it that but what I could make out was read “ beware the monsters of the night”.” scary“ I said to myself in a sarcastic tone.

                    I continued walking until I got to my house”finally” I sigh to myself. After entering i imditly ran to my room and armed myself with my baseball bat. I then proceeded to: lock all the windows, doors and search for food and weapons. I ended up finding two weeks worth of food and water. “ Now all I need to do is find my family” I said to myself. After a while I decided to go to sleep, once I got to my room. 

my myth

Vidar the god of war and lighting

A long time the a young god was born named Vidar his mother died from giving birth. That same day the human world experienced great disaster and loss thus the god looked down on him as a bad omen. One day he went exploring in the human world and discovered a man who promised him power and would make the god look up to him. Accepting his offer Vidar had obtained the power to kill gods but the man was slowly melipunating him. Once the man had fully meliputied Vidar the man had him attack Zeus the god of lightning which lasted for 2 years but in the end Vidar won the battle obtaining the power of lightning. When Vidar had killed Zeus he realised what he had done and that the man had been melipunating him. It turns out that the man that had given all the power to Vidar was another god but the was banished to the human world and now that zeus was dead the had gained all his power back he tried to kill Vidar but he failed. now every time there is a storm of any type just know that Vidar the other god are fighting.

Information report

Here is my mahi from the information report task

You may have to copy and paste the link.


Hello slightly lesser beans. Here is some work that is too sophisticated for you to understand.

I believe we should eat human meat.


We should eat human meat because it will lower the population so we don’t end up overpopulated and it makes people stronger (i think) eating meat will be easy. All we have to do is find people who want to donate meat or we could just eat the already dead. All of this will be legal. 

We should sell human meat at the butchers or at supermarkets as replacements for animal meat. If we do this all the angry animal should not be eaten, people will be happy and if we don’t replace the animal we will have A LOT OF MEAT.

Eating human meat for a long time will (hopefully) make us evolve to be stronger and all the other stuff. We won’t have to bury people because we will just eat them.

If we do this it will lower the population of the planet. Stopping overpopulation will help the earth and stop stupid stuff like cuilts and death game type things.


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